RM Analyzer Help

Action: T2Resp

Transformation of displacement- or acceleration time history to response spectrum

Action will be skipped (Option) The action will be skipped in the calculation process if the option is selected.
Command This is automatically assigned from the previous selection - it can not be edited in this pad.
Table name The name of variable table, where the displacement- or acceleration time history is defined.
Input table type The table can represent the displacement or acceleration function.
Output table type The table can be displacement, velocity or acceleration function of period-T, frequency-F or omega-W.
Damping(%) For transformation there is necessary to define the damping factor in form of percent
Output table name After calculation, the results will be stored to the new table, which name has to be declared by user
Plot File Name of plot file, where the diagram will be plot.
  • If the default '*' is accepted, the name is set automatically  tab1-tab2.pl if the first table name is tab1 and second table name is  tab2
  • If there is no input, the plot file with default name will be created!
Delta-T Duration of the Action (not applicable for this action)
Description Descriptive text for the selected Action (max. 80 characters)